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I compiled a list of the most useful tools that I use and that members of my discord server have suggested. 

COMMAND GENERATION is the most useful tool for generating commands for data packs. It has a wide range of generations from execute commands to summon commands to loot tables. This is also especially useful if you are new to data packs and need to learn lots of new syntax. When using this tool, try not to just copy and paste, but instead try to understand how the syntax works so you become more familiar with how to do it yourself.

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    This generator has 5 parts to it: Loot tables, advancements, predicates, and the experimental custom world and dimension generators. I recommend that you use this because it has a clean and intuitive GUI and is constantly updated all the way up to the latest versions of Minecraft. Simply choose the feature that you want, input whatever info you need, and copy the text. Then create an empty text file and paste it in, remembering to save the file as a .json type. 

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    This advancement and crafting generator is the one I used in my custom crafting video. I do not recommend this site's advancement generator  for general use, but you can use it to follow along with my tutorial. A feature unique to this generator is that if you are making full advancements, you can download the data pack with your advancement in it.


    I recommend that you use its crafting generator, since it has recipe templates for all crafting blocks, from crafting tables to furnaces to stonecutters. This generator is not being fully updated, but you can easily swap the items out for new items later on by editing the text.

    This is a simple site for downloading the game files if you are unable to do it yourself, however you must authenticate through github. Downloading the game files is very useful when adding certain items or loot tables or anything else that builds on the default file structure.


    For example, it makes it easier when adding crossbow models(which have multiple files to check) or adding loot tables for sheep(Multiple files instead of one). It's also useful just to be able to double check your file structure and syntax.

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